John is now ninety-three years old outside, but feels like nineteen inside! People say he doesn't look his age and his doctors say he is in very good health—considering his age!
This website gives him a chance to share some of his life experiences.
For a biography of John recently written by a high school freshman in a journalism class, click Dancing Dairyman. You may be inspired to be a maverick, too!
For a list of John's past writings, click this link: JMR's Writings, Bibliography.
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Marlowe Erickson's Flippin' Freud,
John Ramsay's Dog Tales
NEW!!! podcasts with video: Grandfathers' Adventures, starting with material from Morris Ramsay (1848-1892)
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Writings by John M. Ramsay
33. Answers Become Questions © 2020
32. The Young Lawyer © 2018
31. The Answer is a Question, rev. August 2018
30. Dog Tales. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/dog-tales/id1257929153?mt=11
29. Life of a Don. https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/life-of-a-don/id1244240603?mt=11
28. “Lewis and Clark Dance Manual and Kit.” in cooperation with Tu’Penny Uprights and Dance Discovery, 2004.
27. "English Country Dance, Then and Now." unpublished article about the MUNY's upcoming centennial
26. "The Danish Connection." Appalachian Heritage, Vol. 19 No. 2, p. 31-33. Berea College, 1991.
25. "A Brief History of Berea" (with John King). One Hundred Years of Progress, Berea Chamber of Commerce, Berea, KY 1990.
24. "Folk Dance-- Potential Is Great." Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Vol. 60, No. 6, p. 4, August 1989.
23. "Paul Rusch," "Sarah Gertrude Knott," and "Folk Dance," three entries for Kentucky Encyclopedia , 1992.
22. "A Flexible Sabbatical System." Option , Vol. 12, No. 3-4, pp 19-21, Folk School Association of America, 1988.
21. "African and Black American Influences in Appalachian Dance." Paper presented to the Association of Black Storytellers, 13 Nov. 87, Berea, KY.
20. Dog Tales, 2nd ed., August House, 1988, Little Rock; 1st ed. Kentucke Imprints, 1987. Berea, KY. German edition:
19. "The Gathering." Appalachian Heritage, Vol. 13, No. 4, p. 28-31, Fall 1985.
18. "Stepping into Clogging." Junior Keynotes, pp. 6-8, Spring 1985.
17. "Dance: A Social Sacrament" Mountain Spirit, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 8-11, May-June, 1985.
16. "An Argument for Folk Dancing in Schools." HPER Journal, Mar.,1984.
15. "Needed- An American Model for a Danish Innovation." Paper, July, 1982
14. "In the Image of God," Report No. 4, Feb., 1982.
13. "Social Issues and Organizations," Report No. 3, Dec., 1981.
12. "Adult Education," Report No. 2, October, 1981.
11. "Surviving Religious Scruples," The Arts Journal, Vol. 4, No. 12, p.16, Sept., 1979, Asheville, NC.
10. Book review of A Time To Dance by Richard Nevell, Appalachian Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 pp. 69-70, Autumn 1978, Boone, NC.
9. "Chocolate Pudding," Option, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer 1980.
8. "The Place Where Life Had Been," Option, Vol. 3, No. 3, Summer 1979.
7. "Letter From Chairman," Option, Vol. 3, No. 1, Winter 1979.
6. "Education Toward A New National Spirit," Option, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1978. Proceedings of the First National Conference, Folk College Association of America, chaired by John M. Ramsay
5. "Between the Poets and the People," Option, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1977.
4. "Who is N.F.S. Grundtvig?" Option, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1976.
3. "Shape Note Singing in Rural America," Country Dance and Song, No. 5, 1973.
2. "Appalachian Folk School," National Parks and Conservation Magazine, July, 1971.
1. "Promoting Our Potential," Berea Alumnus, March-April, 1969.